The state in which the Kibaki government is looks more and more like the last months of the Moi regime. Kenyans remmember the confusion which engulfed the Moi government on its last days. Those were the days when cabinet positions were falling vacant more rapidly than the president could fill them. The days saw minors being elevated to cabinet positions while others were fired at will. It was during this period that Kenyans started seeing that the posts were but empty shells used by the president to bait tribes. It was a time when respect and awe for the cabinet minsters hit the bottom. Then came Kibaki with his "hands off", see and hear no evil approach. Or rather drink, sleep and drink again melody. He set MKM on the state coffers. They eat, eat and eat then "vomited on our shoes" while expecting the wanainchi to "go slow on them". But that was before the "Tsunami" hit them. Before the wanainchi bulshited them in the referedum. Kibakis fall seem to be not as rapid as Nyayos but it is none the less steady. Ladies and gentlemen i predict the fall of Kibaki between the month of November and December 2006.

Moi putting off Saitoti:-"Makamu, wacha mambo mengi kama haujachaguliwa keti chini, huwezi"
OBS! Notice how Amos wako is leaning forward, he does not want to miss a thing. It was a comedy.
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