Majuto ni mjukuu @Kenya

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Kiraitus foolish questions answered

1. When did John Githongo join TI (Transparency International)?

The question is out of place and has no
connectin with the matter at hand.

2. Is it true
that he inherited his position in TI from his father?

Could be, but how that does
disentagle you from the Anglo Leasing (AL) scam?

3. Was his chairman at TI Mr Joe Wanjui?

see #2 please

4. Can he deny that he was appointed PS in the Office of the President
on recommendation of Mr Joe Wanjui?

see #2 please

5. Mr Githongo's job
was to advise the President on Governance issues. When did he turn out to be an
anti-corruption investigator?

But he
caught you in the wrong. Does you question make you a better person? The answer
is NO.

6. What was the function of
Anti-corruption Police Unit and Kenya Anti-corruption Authority during Mr
Githongo's tenure?

You tell us and
the explain how the man overstepped his mandate. But i still refer you to

7. Did any Minister obstruct Mr Githongo in
preparing or handing over his reports to the President?

Yes, you tried

8. Why did Mr Githongo record his
conversations with his colleagues in Government? Was he a spy at the heart of
President Kibaki's Government?

course not but he was aware of the fact that you and fellow thieves would deny

9. Apart from the Ministers referred
to in the report, who else did he tape record?

Irrelevant. We are dealing with you as an individual. If
anyone else is involved his case will be dealt with when time comes .

10. Mr Githongo held meetings with Prof Anyang Nyong' and Raila
Odinga. Did he tape those conversations? What are the contents of those
conversations? Why are they not included in his report?

Irrelevant. We are dealing with you
as an individual. If anyone else is involved his case will be dealt with when
time comes . You are currently the thief.

Can he produce an unedited transcript of all his recordings, including where he
himself is talking?

I think so. But
how will that eliminate you as a criminal?

How can we ensure that the records have not been "doctored" to serve certain
interests? Can he make the tapes available for expert analysis?

Oh, easy. Current technology can
easily prove that.

13. Did Mr Githongo record
his conversations with Sir Edward Clay at that time?


14. Can he produce a
record of those conversations?


15. Mr John Githongo
conducted inquiries of other matters such as Invesco in City Hall, the
Goldenberg scandal and Pending Bills. Why doesn't his report include
conversations on these matters?

Irrelevant. We are dealing with you as an individual. If anyone
else is involved his case will be dealt when time comes. Supposing you know of
any irregularity on the case you mentioned, you will be called to

16. Mr Githongo collected documents
from Treasury showing that Anglo Leasing and Finance
Co. had first entered
into contracts with the Kanu Government in 2001. Why did he not ask the former
Kanu Ministers who the Anglo-Leasing was? Who is he covering up?

Irrelevant. We are dealing with you
as an individual.

17. Why has Mr Githongo
deliberately omitted to connect the Kanu government with Ango-Leasing in his
report? Why is he pretending that it is purely a Narc affair? Were the 18
Security contracts highlighted by Mr Githongo not subject of a Government
Special Audit?

Irrelevant. We are
dealing with you as an individual.

18. Out of the 18
security contracts, only four were concluded under the Narc Government. The rest
were all under the former Kanu regime. Why is Mr Githongo deliberately playing
this down? Are these contracts not the same as those in Clay's dossier? Why did
Mr Githongo pass the report on these projects to Mr Clay instead of the

He feared for the cover up
that would follow. Afterall the president was not supporting him anyomore.
Kibaki was more on the side of the thieves than Githongo. In otherwors he was
too a thief.

19. Mr Githongo and Uhuru Kenyatta
have been holding secret meetings in London, the latest being last weekend. Can
he release the tapes of these meetings? What was discussed at those meetings? Is
he involved in a plot by the opposition to bring down Kibaki's Government?

Irrelevant for Uhuru did not create the

20. Who is paying Mr Githongo's bill for
his luxurious apartment in London?


21. Why is he so heavilly
protected by the British Secret Service? What kind of visa is he on? Who is he
working for?


22. Mr Githongo has severally talked about billions of shillings
that COULD HAVE BEEN LOST through Anglo Leasing projects. How much money has
actually been lost by the Government in the two Anglo Leasing projects i.e. the
Security, Passports project and the Police Forensic laboratory?

You know that answer. You dont steal one
goat and return it and the expect to be annoited a saint

23. Can Mr Githongo tell the Committee how much money Kiraitu or
Mwiraria received from Anglo-Leasing projects? *Since all the monies paid under
Anglo Leasing projects was returned to the Treasury and Mr Githongo assisted in
following those involved in the alleged conspiracy both in Kenya and abroad, why
did he not give all the information he is giving now to KACC in 2004? Who
obstructed Mr Githongo during his investigations out of Kenya? What did his
investigations abroad reveal? *Why did he not mention Kiraitu's name during
those investigations?

Report to KACC while your friend Ringera is sitting there as chairman. The
reason why you fought so hard for him to get the post was to "protect" you.
Githongo is not a fool. He saw through your cheap tricks. Remmember that you
have another friend in the name of Gicheru sitting as chief Justice. How in hell
would his case see the day light???

24. In what circumstances did Mr Githongo's
father - Joe Githongo - obtain a loan of Sh30 million from Mr Pereira through
his lawyer Mr Malik?


25. What was the consideration for this loan?


26. Can Mr Githongo play to PAC the whole tape recording of
the entire meeting where the loan was discussed? What did Mr Githongo tell Mr
Kiraitu. Can Mr Githongo deny he is on a revenge mission against Mr Pereira for
"fixing" his father and ruining his health?

Is that why you stole the tax
payers money?.......I did not think so.

27. During the compilation of the Ndung'u report, Mr
Githongo was aware that the molasses plant and land valued at over Sh 3 billion
was given to Mr Raila Odinga by the former regime at the throwaway price of
Sh125 million during the political marriage between Kanu and NDP. Why does Mr
Githongo not say anything at all about Raila?

We will deal the ndungu commisions
in its own time. As for now we are dealing with AL.

28. Is it true that Mr Raila Odinga introduced Mr Githongo
to Kroll and Associates? Mr Githongo spent Sh90 million with Kroll &
Associates to trace "billions" stolen from Kenya and hidden abroad. How much
money was traced and where? How much has been recovered? What happened to Kroll
when Mr Githongo resigned?


29. Mr Githongo in his report says Mr Mwiraria told him on
17th May, 2004 that he would be killed by [name deleted for legal reasons]. Who
did he report to? Why did he have to wait until after six months to flee the
country from the date of threat, if indeed he feared for his life?


30. In his report he says that a senior politician had told him
on 24th May 2004 that [name deleted for legal reasons] would kill him. Who is
the unnamed senior politician? Is he afraid of naming him? Did he report this
serious matter to the police: Why did he wait for six months before fleeing the
country if he was in real danger?

Everything has its time. And what
police are you talking about? The corrupt Kenyan police?

31. The covering letter forwarding the report to the
President states that the report is being forwarded as a result of information
received by Mr Stanley Murage. Where did he meet Mr Murage? Did he record his
conversation with Murage? Can we have the tapes?


32. The report was sent on November 22, 2005. If the
intention was to assist the President to fight corruption, as it says, why did
he wait a whole nine months before releasing it after he left the country? Could
he have sent it in anticipation of a regime change after the referendum?

The man has already answered your

33. Is it true that Githongo would first give all his report to
Sir Edward Clay before briefing the President?

34. Is it true that Githongo was a member of the Kenya
Police Reserve?

Does Mr Githongo's conscience ever trouble him regarding the clandestine taping
of conversations with friends and Government Ministers with whom he was serving
the same Government and President?

Why, people like you are just but
thieves. You need not fear if you are not one.

36. Can Mr Githongo deny that all the way through, he was a
spy for the British against his own country?



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