Why the outrage with dog food?
Lets be fair to the lady and her company which wanted to offer dog food the people of Kenya, specifically Mbita. Why are Kenyans getting worked up? Is this the first time they are eating animal feed?? No, they have eaten it before and they liked it. Remmember the "cow feed" aka "yellow maize" which was donated by the US way back in the 80`s. Look, the food that was to be sent to Kenya was not actually dog, but an additive to dog food which is rich in protein and that. But why has the story of dog food come about?? Yes, because the Kenyan government is busy stealing from the people rather than assisting them. The silos are full to capacity yet due to poor logistics the government cannot bring the food to the people. Shame


My wife, Malathi, loves dogs. She calls them"Sweetie." She also calls me "Sweetie." Idon't know whether to smile or wag my tail.It's really confusing. The other day, Malathisaid, "Dinner is ready, Sweetie." I rushed tothe kitchen, along with the dogs. "Silly dogs,"I thought. "You're not getting any of my dinner."The meal looked delicious, and I would havecomplimented my wife, had she not placed iton the floor.The two dogs got to the food before I could.Their heads, unfortunately, are closer to thefloor. That allows them to quickly slurp foodand anything else that looks remotely likefood, such as dirty socks or tofu. If you owna dog, you may not need a vacuum cleaner.Within a minute, the dogs -- a Labrador andGolden Retriever -- had licked their bowlsclean and were looking up at us withexpressions that said, "Come on, folks.When are you going to feed us?" Even ifthey've just eaten a big meal, they want tokeep eating. They're a lot like me. Exceptthat I'm too proud to beg. When the dogsare wolfing their food, I try not to sit in front ofthem and drool. Unfortunately, they neverextend the same courtesy to me. I can't eatanything without enduring their sad-eyedexpressions that say, "Oh please, wehaven't eaten any food since last summer,when we ate all your tennis balls. If you don'tfeed us, we'll fill your entire home with drool."The dogs aren't ours. We're just dog-sitting,until their owners return from vacation.Dog-sitting is a lot like baby-sitting, exceptfor three major differences: (1) babies havetrouble catching food with their mouths;(2) babies are usually uglier; and (3) babiesare nicer to trees.Most dogs in America are so lucky. They'refed and treated better than many childrenaround the world. And they never have to dothe dishes. You can't even get them to takethe trash out. They must have a powerfulunion.My wife knows a lot about dogs. She's aveterinarian specializing in epidemiology. Ittook me three weeks to learn how to spell"epidemiology" and another three weeks tolearn how to pronounce it. I still don't knowwhat it means. All I know is that Malathi lovesanimals, especially dogs. She kisses themand pets them and talks to them, making mewish I had four legs.I think she likes dogs partly because they'rebetter listeners than men. When she's tellingone of her long stories -- usually aboutsomething amazing she heard on NPR(National Public Radio) -- the dogs will justsit there and listen attentively. I know whatthey're thinking: "If we sit still and actinterested, maybe she'll feed us." Dogs aresmarter than they look.I don't mind Malathi babying the dogs, but Iwish it weren't so confusing. The other night,she said, "Are you coming to bed, Sweetie?"I rushed to the bedroom, along with the dogs."Silly dogs," I thought. "You're not snugglingin bed with us. Not until you learn to usemouthwash."The Labrador jumped on the bed before Icould. I looked at my wife. She looked at mewith a puzzled expression that said, "Didsomeone call YOU to bed?" Then she pettedthe dog."He's going to be with us for only a shorttime," she said."OK, Sweetie," I said. "I love you.""I love you, too," she said."I was talking to the dog," I said
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