Majuto ni mjukuu @Kenya

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Kibaki as guilty as hell

A few cabinet ministers have decided to defend Kibaki at all cost. They claim that he is not part of the Anglo leasing scandal. The only problem I have with the defence of Kibaki is the fact that one cannot exonerate him without doing a thorough investigation into the matter. Only after such investigation, and with all the facts on the table, can anyone find Kibaki innocent. But even if he is not the one who stashed the money into his pocket, he has known the culprits but decided not to take action. He has continued to mingle wine and dine with them, even promote them. He is therefore guilty by association. The above rubbishes what Kituyu, Kombo, Ngilu, Kagwe, Kimunya and co. wants to make us believe. We will not be lied to in open day light.
Chris Murugaru has indicated that the president knew everything that was going on.


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