President Kibaki has turned to the tried and proven tactics of yesteryear. The old guard is coolly running the show hoping that their man will finally make it back to the state house come December 2007. The tactic he is using is, pretending to fire his closest lieutenants, in a attempt to give himself room to deal with his perceived enemies, especially Hon. Raila Odinga and probably Hon. William Ruto. The MKM has always been ahead in planning dirty tactics. We all remmmber the MoU, the kicking out of the LDP from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), then replacing them with weak and inexperienced leaders as Uhuru Kenyatta. We can all see how Karaitu is bullshitting the committee knowing full well that Uhuru does not know what to do. He has actually told then to refer his case to KACC, for he knows that his friend Ringera will let him off the hook. If you are still with me then you can see a picture emerging here. First, the MKM kicks out a bunch of judges and replace with ones loyal to them. Then they appoint a true friend as the director of anti-corruption committee, thereafter they place weak leaders in PAC. The go ahead and hide behind Ndungu report and Goldenberg Scandal. All in a attempt to dilute the effect of Anglo_leasing.
As the plan develops, they start intimidating people threatening them with jail etc. People like Kalonzo Musyoka are summoned to the state house and promised a post; the hope is that he abandon LDP. Raila economic base is threatened; the hope is that he tones down his attack on the government. The aim is to character assassinate him and kill his popularity.
It’s only the brave who will survive the MKM onslaught. Weak people like Kalonzo Musyoka will fall by the roadside. If Musyoka jumps into Kibakis sinking boat, then I am afraid he will perish with the captain Kibaki. We do not have to look far back in history to learn. There was once upon a time a man from Butere called Martin Shikuku.

He was more popular then Kalonzo, but one day he decided to drive to the state house secretly for an “ugali session” with the then president Moi. What happened to him thereafter is something Musyoka should study. Shikuku became politically speaking, history. That is what might befall Musyoka never mind his popularity rating.
Kiraitu and co might be back in the government before December 2007.
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