Kibaki must go away-only solution
“Mr Speaker Sir, we have a farcical situation where the Honourable Member for Othaya is masquerading as the President of the Republic of Kenya” Ababu Namwamba, MP.
Given that Raila Odinga is in fact the rightfully elected president of Kenya. I have been asking myself what action/s ODM should take to bring the violence to an end. Among other things I have pondered over is to let the man masquerading as the president do another five years, only if that would stop the violence. But again I have asked myself what the consequences of such an undertaking would be. Would people be disappointed or relieved? Would they live to regret? Is it better to let the thieving “devil we know” rule than let an unknown quantity such as the military take over? If we let him steal elections in broad day light, what would stop him from doing the same in 2012? This is the million dollar question.
If the so called president does not step down, then we have very few peaceful options remaining to quell the stalemate.
What has caused all this mess is theft, period. If the thief could return back the cow then all would be well. But we know that the thief is inclined to keeping the cow and the owner of the cow is not willing to give up.
So there we stand with no proper solution.
Given that Raila Odinga is in fact the rightfully elected president of Kenya. I have been asking myself what action/s ODM should take to bring the violence to an end. Among other things I have pondered over is to let the man masquerading as the president do another five years, only if that would stop the violence. But again I have asked myself what the consequences of such an undertaking would be. Would people be disappointed or relieved? Would they live to regret? Is it better to let the thieving “devil we know” rule than let an unknown quantity such as the military take over? If we let him steal elections in broad day light, what would stop him from doing the same in 2012? This is the million dollar question.
If the so called president does not step down, then we have very few peaceful options remaining to quell the stalemate.
What has caused all this mess is theft, period. If the thief could return back the cow then all would be well. But we know that the thief is inclined to keeping the cow and the owner of the cow is not willing to give up.
So there we stand with no proper solution.