Majuto ni mjukuu @Kenya

This blog is for people who do not have time to read long articles which go on forever.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Unending political enmity

"Having shot himself in the foot by ignoring the Maasai community, the President (Kibaki) should be warned of unending political enmity between himself and the Maasai throughout the remaining part of his term. As a community, we will hate him and his Government until he quits power," he added" Joseph Nkaissery MP, The Standard Dec. 8 2005.

Comment: It looks like a two year hate programme

It was a defeat for president Kibaki

"... in a mature political system, if a person pushes something (Wako Mongrel) very hard as the President(Kibaki) did, then people reject it, then it is defeat for the person and his administration. Although it is difficult to explain why people voted the way they did because not everybody votes for the same reasons". Sir Yash Pal Ghai, The East African Standard December 29, 2005

Comment: Simply put, kenyans have lost confident in Kibakis Administration adn wants him to leave. Thats what the professor is trying to say.

Most heartening gesture

"Today 50,000 Kenyan prisoners have volunteered to give up their meals so as to raise 100 bags for starving compatriots. This is a most heartening gesture, more so since it is coming from the least likely quarters. Kenyans must feel elated but also challenged that prisoners have showed the way. And whereas one can not give what they do not have, one des not wait to have surplus to consider sharing as the prisoners have proved". (Kenya Times newspaper Jan 02 2006)

Comment: Meanwhile the government is still draggning its feet. What a shame Emilio, where are you? I hope that you are not feasting on lamb and zeal.

Kenyans are left to suffer and die

"We have a President who can not take any action other than complain. He has incompetent ministers but since he can not sack them being his point-men, Kenyans are left to suffer and die of hunger when foodstuff goes into waste at the national kitty,” William Ruto MP, Jan 1 2005, Kenya Times Newspaper

Pic: Balala, Ruto, Raila, Uhuru, Musyoka

Comment: The president has exactly two years to show that he is the competent person we always thought he was.

Kiraitu's Changing Tune

"NAK believes that the enormous powers vested in the presidency have transformed the Kenyan president into an authoritarian, imperial monarch, exercising feudal powers. The president is both the head of state and head of government, the president has ultimate control of the armed forces, the police and civil service, parliament, the judiciary, the ruling party and he is also the chancellor of all public universities. The Presidency has more powers than those enjoyed by the governor at the height of colonialism. NAK proposes that the powers of the president be drastically reduced and that the powers of the head of government be exercised by the prime minister".
(Kiraitu Murungi, as Shadow Attorney-General, outlining the NAK position to the CKRC in 2002)

Comment: Absolute power corrupts